
Many thousands of people have served at Skivvy 9 over the years.  Although it is highly unlikely that we'll ever know all that served, here is one compilation of some that did.  Several folks have sent in their expanded personal stories, memoirs, and other information.  That type of information can be found under the  Memoirs Section.

The directory below contains the information of only a few people.  You can search by entering any part or all of a name. 

You can add your own name as well by clicking the submit name.


Skivvy 9 Members

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There is currently 1 name in this directory beginning with the letter D.
Daughenbaugh, Alfred
203x1 in 1971. Baker flight 203 NCOIC. Same class as tbe 6988th guys out of Yokota --Wayne Bory and Hugh Obrien. Was both Chinese Mandarin and Korean Li nguist.
Submitted by: David Daughenbaugh

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