
Many thousands of people have served at Skivvy 9 over the years.  Although it is highly unlikely that we'll ever know all that served, here is one compilation of some that did.  Several folks have sent in their expanded personal stories, memoirs, and other information.  That type of information can be found under the  Memoirs Section.

The directory below contains the information of only a few people.  You can search by entering any part or all of a name. 

You can add your own name as well by clicking the submit name.


Skivvy 9 Members

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There are currently 8 names in this directory beginning with the letter W.
Wayne a captain
Security police
Submitted by: Wayne captain

Weiss, Greg (Murray)
20250 (75 – 77), Sr Airmen (one of the first) It was the best of times……………it was the worst of times, nah just the best of times

Wells, Charles, T. Jr.
Sgt, 702X0, July 1980-1982, Primary e-mail: Lt Col John Dowdy was the commander. I worked in the Orderly Room. During my tenure the HTACC opened on the hill behind CBPO. I had a great time and would love to reunite with some of the great people. Please feel free to contact me at anytime.

Werwie, Richard (Rick)
202 and 207×1 E-4 1980-1981 Osan, 6903rd

Whaley, William (Bill)
1973 to 1974, Sgt 291X0, CommCenter/Crypto Operator. Enjoyed "EVERY" minute there. Arrived there as A1C. First day myself and another went to the village, uniform required,. We were told NOT to salute any officers while in the village. We were window shopping and along comes a Captain. We said hello and he lit into us for not saluting. He chewed us out royally. Got our unit information and when he saw it was 6903rd he snorted "Skivvy 9" and said, "I should have known". Next fay 1st Sgt called is in, we told the story, he said while we were there to salute anything with brass, whether in uniform or not. I made it a point to salute that Captain whether we were on base, in uniform or not, inside or outside!rn
Submitted by: Bill Whaley

William (Bill) Howard
Was in Skivvy 9 as a SSgt. in \'82 - \'83 and \'85 - \'86. Worked Senior Ruby flightline. Was part of the crew that set up initial Ruby operations in 1982. We started with a three man shop with two civilian contractors.rnReturned to 6903rd. in 1985 for another year of working Senior Ruby/Senior Spear on the flightline.
Submitted by: William Howard

William Velazquez
Sgt. 207X1 Morse Systems Operator July 1988 to December 1989.
Submitted by: William Velazquez

Woodard, Jim
Baker Flt X1 SSGT 1973-1974

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